MyWhoosh Performance Verification Program

The MyWhoosh Performance Verification Program is a collection of data analysis tests that run synchronously to produce a PASS/FAIL result.


Why did we make it? The data alignment test ensures that a single person is competing in the event.

What is it? The Data Alignment test makes comparisons between the primary and secondary devices that are used for competition to make a determination as to whether or not the devices have produced enough valid data to prove that they were used by a single person for the performance.

Why would not Pass? Common reasons for failure include but are not limited to incorrectly defined device and user settings; data transmission interference; low data sampling rates.

How can I make sure I Pass? An annulment from the Data Alignment test typically can be avoided by double checking to be sure that the intended devices are accurately paired and that any device settings that may be available to edit by the rider have been defined to reflect the real environment experienced during the competition.


Why did we make it? Every model of power meter, heart rate, cadence device measures and handles data differently, and there is not a global standard for which a manufacturer can calibrate the device. Because of this, it is expected that the values received from different devices will never be the same. It is also expected that device models will produce data in a predictable way, even though sometimes predictability means we expect inconsistent or inaccurate data. Manufacturers make it very easy to adjust the way a device reports and handles data by including features like slope adjustment and power multipliers. These features may be helpful for training, but they are very detrimental to racing and should NEVER be adjusted to any value other than the default value.

What is it? The Power Comparison test examines the relationship between primary and secondary power and heart rate data received during the competition in order to make a determination as to whether or not the discrepancies found between valid, matched pairs of primary and secondary data fall within the expected window of offset for a given device model and also relative to observed historic offset of the individual.

Why would not Pass? Common reasons for failure include but are not limited to adjusting the slope or power multiplier settings of the power meter or trainer; incorrectly or not performing a zero offset or spin down calibration; incorrectly defining bike dimension settings like weight and crank arm length; incorrectly defining rider physiology settings like height and weight; allowing for too great of a change in room temperature throughout the test; utilizing data matching, bridge, or pass through features on a smart trainer.

How can I make sure I Pass? Strive to maintain consistency in the configuration of your racing environment and how you maintain your equipment. If possible, avoid taking your bike off the trainer between races or making adjustments to the trainer position. Perform a trainer spin down and power meter zero offset following a 10min+ warm up period of riding prior to every race. Never interfere with the manufacturer’s recommended procedure for trainer spin down or power meter zero offset. After you have spun down or zeroed your devices, do not make any adjustments to the device position prior to the race or during the race. Doing so would require an additional calibration sequence to ensure accurate readings. Invest in the highest quality power measurement device possible. Manipulating your device in an attempt to align power readings will most often trigger Power Comparison tests failure versus simply using your device the way it came from the factory, even if the difference between the two seems large to you.


Why did we make it? Since every device measures and handles data differently, we must normalize the data that is received from various devices in order to perform accurate analysis. Dropped signals, wireless transmission interference, misaligned timestamps, corrupt and duplicate data points; these are examples of common occurrences that can interfere with the quality of data in virtual races. We made this test to ensure that the data we receive meets our standards of integrity and can be accepted for the PVP.

What is it? The Data Integrity test cleans and labels data to create multiple buckets into which data is grouped. The test considers the volume of data contained in each bucket to ensure it meets standards for inclusion.

Why would I not Pass? Some examples of reasons you might fail the Data Integrity test include but are not limited to bluetooth or ant+ signal interference or dropouts; internet dropouts; electrical interference; low device batteries; malfunctioning equipment; data sampling rates of anything other than 1 per second.

How can I make sure I Pass? Ensure that all of your data source devices are only paired to a single data capture device. Your smart trainer must always be paired for primary power, controllable, and cadence. Your power meter must always be paired for secondary power and cadence. Do not utilize any type of data bridge, pass through, or power match feature from your device. Turn off any unnecessary devices that transmit or capture wireless data.


Why did we make it? We maintain a database with descriptive details about all of the hardware that is used in competition. This allows us to accurately accommodate and adjust PVP criteria whenever someone changes their equipment.

What is it? The Data Source Hardware test is a straightforward method of confirming that the hardware used to create the performance data is permitted for use.

Why would I not Pass? This test will fail if the data we receive does not identify the device being used to create the data. The test will also fail whenever someone uses a new device for the first time without registering it with our device database.

How can I make sure I Pass? Any time you acquire a new device be sure to test it first by going for a ride on MyWhoosh at least 24 hours prior to using the device in a race. Following the test ride, you will need to contact MyWhoosh customer support and confirm if the device has been accepted for racing. The test ride can be any type of activity lasting 20 minutes or longer.


Why did we make it? The Relativity Test makes a determination as to whether or not a rider’s performance falls within a probable range of what is expected from the rider based on their historic data. This is important in situations where a person outperforms anything they’ve ever done in the past, thereby setting new personal bests on MyWhoosh. When a personal best exceeds the projected limits that have been defined by the PVP for the individual, the implication is that the rider is gaining an unfair advantage that is likely caused by hardware or system malfunctions.

What is it? MyWhoosh is able to make highly accurate predictions about the capabilities of an individual based on the history of performance data we are able to analyze. When a single performance exceeds a predicted performance indicator, the Relativity Test first makes a determination as to whether or not the rider was advantaged in the race, and then considers the validity of the performance relative to numerous factors including but not limited to the rider’s acute and chronic performance history on MyWhoosh; the physiological profile of the competitors; and context from which the performance can be compared versus a broadly-defined peer group.

Why would I not Pass? Riders who are new to MyWhoosh and have not accumulated enough historic performance data are at higher risk of Relativity Test failure whenever they produce an outstanding race result. Over time, with more rides on MyWhoosh, the Relativity Test’s predictions will become increasingly mature, and the risk of failure is reduced. It is still possible for someone with a long history of data with MyWhoosh to fail the Relativity Test in instances where a hardware or system malfunction has created an anomaly in the data; or if the rider has acquired brand new equipment.

How can I make sure I Pass? If you’re great at a certain type of effort, maybe a sprint, or power climb, or time trial; make sure you record some rides on MyWhoosh that demonstrate your capabilities! It doesn’t only need to be during a race. You can ride on MyWhoosh any way you’d like and have fun being as strong as you can! If you show us how strong you are by riding on MyWhoosh with validated equipment, the Relativity Testing model will adjust itself to accommodate for your unique strengths. Sometimes we are asked if someone can submit data from other platforms or from outdoor rides to prove their ability. We don’t accept any data other than MyWhoosh data as being valid for reference towards the Relativity Test.


Why did we make it? It is very common that the data from a single power source is incorrectly captured by both the primary and secondary inputs. It is also common for individuals to adjust settings on their power meter or smart trainer in order to produce inflated data values or two streams of data that match each other. While capturing the same data source twice is often an unintentional error made by the rider, adjustments to the way a power meter produces data is an intentional method of data manipulation or data obfuscation.

What is it? The Duplicate and Adjusted Data test detects instances where a single power source is recorded to both the primary and secondary receivers for any amount of time. The test also detects adjustments that have been made to a power source that might alter the default power measurement calculation of a power meter or smart trainer, such as changes to power meter slope settings or power multiplier settings. The test also detects when smart trainer “data pass through” features are in use. These features are designed to override or relay the data produced by one device with that of another device.

Why would I not Pass? If you have adjusted any settings on any of your hardware or if you have made any modification to the hardware itself or have interfered in anyway with the standard use of the hardware with the express intention of trying to produce inflated or closely matching data between the two devices, in all likelihood you will fail this test and be disqualified from competing on MyWhoosh. This test will also fail if a single power source is replicated and used as both the primary and secondary data source.

How can I make sure I Pass? Never adjust the default slope, multiplier, or sync settings defined for your power meter or smart trainer. When applicable, perform a spin-down and zero offset calibration for both the smart trainer and power meter prior to every race and according to the manufacturer’s recommended procedure.

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